Evaluating the Application of Hermeneutical Method of Analysis in Islamic Studies

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Hermeneutics as an independent method has achieved a special position in human thought in recent centuries. Moreover, in twentieth century, hermeneutics has spread its achievements to other fields of knowledge such as philosophy, theology, literary criticism, social science, philosophy of science and etc. and leaded to new discussions in these fields.
Hermeneutics has been defined as knowledge of interpretation and paraphrase and divided to philosophical hermeneutics and methodological one. The first one is mainly recognized with interpreter-based orientation and the second is considered as an author-centered tendency. The most important questions of this article are: Which attitude of hermeneutics can be used in Islamic studies? Is there any relationship between hermeneutics and the prevalent method of understanding texts in Islamic studies?
Concentrating on the possibility of relationship between religious texts and hermeneutics, this article is supposed to clarify that using philosophical hermeneutics in Islamic studies is not allowable. Because using it in such studies leads to plural readings of religion, belief to the impact of assumptions and finally relativism. But methodological hermeneutics and its hidden author-centered and text-based method with regard to its admitted rules and principles is the most accurate way to interpret religious texts in Islamic studies.


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