Right and left duality: backgrounds, features and genesis in politics

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1 (PhD in French studies/political sciences), Assistant professor, Tehran University

2 (PhD in politicial sciences), Associate professor, Tehran University


This article, which seeks to explore the characteristics and emergence of the right and left dualities in the political world, first explains these universal concepts in human life. The superiority of the right hand to the left hand in cultures, as well as the attribution of this duality to male and female couple by giving examples in ancient Persian literature, is another part of this research. The researcher then looks at the presence and importance of this two words in religion and the holy texts, and explains the similarity of the approach of different religions to these two concepts by attributing the right side to good people and the left side to evils. The presence of this duality in politics during the French Revolution in the constituent assembly of France is the explained. The place of the king immense power supporters on the right and the supporters of the people and the revolutionaries on the left, the importance of the role of newspapers from 1815 in these words in the French political scene. The simple, changeable and comprehensible characters of these concepts for those who ignore the politics are introduced as the reasons for the success of these words in politics.


قرآن کریم، ترجمه ی محمد مهدی فولادوند
آشوری، داریوش (1388)، دانشنامه ی سیاسی، تهران:انتشارات مروارید.
خدایی، محبوبه (1390)، مفهوم راست و چپ در اساطیر ایران، تهران :انتشارات پازینه.
عطار، فرید‌الدین، جوهر الذات.
نظامی گنجوی، خمسه ی نظامی، خسرو و شیرین.
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