Imam Khomeini's philosophical base in the book Kashf e Asrar

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member faculty if Shahid Beheshti university


The main claim of this paper is that Imam Khomeini has a philosophical base in the Kashfe Asrar and has answered the questions posed by the author of the Thousand-Year-Old Secrets Book based on his philosophy. The philosophical basis discussed in the present article is the way in which the soul and body communicate with the transcendental wisdom that Imam Khomeini has addressed in his philosophical works. By virtue of this rule, the soul, in spite of determination, prevails and depends on itself. Each soul belongs to a specific body and can not be transmitted to another body. This connection has been generalized in the thought of Imam Khomeini to the relationship between Sharia and politics. Politics needs sharia and sharia also needs politics. Sharia must come from the heart of politics, society. Based on this, one can explain why Imam Khomeini, in spite of knowing the governments of the time of absence, advocates cooperation with the existing government? Why does he believe in Islamic government? Why does it believe that people should act to establish an Islamic state? But perhaps one of the most important benefits of examining the philosophical foundations of Imam Khomeini during the twenties of the twenties is that his practical and theoretical positions are analyzed not only on the basis of the political, social and intellectual dominant position, but also from his intellectual foundations. In the present article, the author does not reject the role of political and social factors in the political positions of Muslim scholars, but believes that ignoring the philosophical and intellectual foundations of these scholars and focusing all attention on historical and colonial developments is a comprehensive and It will not provide fundamentally, he analyzes the positions of Imam Khomeini in the discovery of secrets based on his philosophical foundations.


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