Challenges and strategies for achieving social justice based on the method of layered analysis of causes

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1 Professor of Political Science, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies

2 PhD student in Political Science, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


Social justice is separate from other social values and is the first priority and has a privileged position as a judge of values. Social justice is the manifestation of justice in the social arena, which has had an important place in the minds of the thinkers of the Islamic Revolution, so that if social justice is considered insignificant in the discourse of the revolution, the character of the Islamic Revolution is meaningless and empty. But despite the above-mentioned emphases, we face problems in the practice and realization of social justice in society. Now the question is what have been the obstacles to the realization of social justice in Iran over the past fourteen years? What strategies are there to remove these obstacles? Using a layer analysis model of causes and a combined method, this article examines the causes of these challenges at four levels of litany analysis: causal and experimental, discourse and mythology, as well as proposing strategies to deal with them at each layer. . Finally, according to the identification of the causes mentioned in each layer, strategies at the level of discourse, structure and agent have been proposed.


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