Principles of Government Letigmacy in Aq-Qoyunlu’s Views

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Abu-Bakr Tehriani , the historian of the era Aq-Qoyunlu, knows their main houseroom grakhtai. (Turkestan ,and Machyn) When Mongols over whelmed on Anatolia , they Along with them settled in East. With weakening of Mongol rule in Asia Minor in the eighth century, Agh gholonoh as active a group entered to politics and about a century later in area which its center was diyarbkr, under activities and their leader a.ssociation (Ggara osman)established the Government.However graylag osman originator of Agh gholono government in diyarbkr.Emeraged their onion from anonymity but that was Ozun Hasan who over twenty yerars of successful government with military operations against the local governments in Iran and adjacent power with polities activities and support from influential cult safavi could almost be dominant on Iran. It was obvious that Ozun Has am from first step try to. Use from all element of legitimacy of Bregular part time to show itself right. There for main porpose of this paper is to understand the basics of evolution of this lineage and to recognize How ideologists deal with this issue.
