Corona and the Reproduction of Authoritarianism in Democratic Governments

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1 Assistant Professor, Institute of Political Thought, Revolution and Islamic Civilization, Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD student in Political Thought, Tehran Institute of Humanities and Cultural Studies


With the outbreak of the Corona pandemic, one of the most controversial issues in the field of politics is the impact of this disease on the democratic characteristics of countries. Because some governments view the crisis as a factor in internal cohesion and the consolidation of power, it is possible that the spread of the corona could lead to populism and authoritarianism in the world. In the shift to authoritarianism, government control over citizens is being intensified through the use of new technologies, accountability, oversight, and power sharing mechanisms are being disrupted, and citizens' fundamental rights such as freedom of expression and transparency of information are being threatened, and media censorship is growing. Conditions that, if possible, will lead to the massification of societies. The present article, in explaining this controversy, with regard to the self-organizing mechanisms of modern political wisdom in the form of liberalism, shows the reluctance to turn to Chinese authoritarianism and to internalize and promote a kind of self-control and the development of modern authoritarianism. In today's modern world, only a religious democracy can maintain and control its discourse without falling into the dualism of authoritarianism / the preservation of individual liberties.


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