Study of thought and performance of salafi movements and theirs political and security consequences

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Faculty member of department of political science of yasouj university


Extremism roots in the Islam world could be found in growth of salafism and wahabism that caused to creation of extremism currents and forces with the west support in the region. After appearance of wahabiat in the second half of 18centur and its spread and influence and changes happened in the 20century in the political and social conditions of Muslim countries , the political, social and cultural faces of Islam has changed in the region of middle east, north Africa, south Asia and southeast Asia. In addition to growth of Muslim religious awareness, gradually, some of theirs political and cultural attributes have transformed. salafi movements based on their epistemology, religious, jurisprudence and its theological principles classified into traditional or limitation salafi, narrations, scientific, Sufi, jihadi and takfiri salafi. How prioritize three epistemology mean religion, narration and reason has in their interpretation of religion principles because prioritize to three principle of epistemology support especial kind of political system .findings of this research shows that traditional, narration, scientific, Sufi and takfiri-jihadi salafi are not successful in spread of political development and resolve of the five crisis and could not provide consistent political development and security in this countries.


Main Subjects

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