The Audience(s) in Iran Securitization Base of U.S. Congress legislations

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1 Ph.D. student in political science in Allameh Tabataba'i University

2 full Profesor in political science in Allameh Tabataba'i University

3 Political Science Researcher in Institute for Humanities and Cultural Studies



Following the victory of the Islamic Revolution and the loss of one of its greatest allies in the Middle East, the United States has resorted to a variety of tools and methods to contain the Islamic Republic. Efforts to secure the identity of the Islamic Republic of Iran in order to counter the influence of the revolution and ensure the security of Israel has been one of the most important approaches of the United States. This study seeks to answer the question of who the target audience of US security is and to what extent they have accepted the threat of Iran. The United States, through the security process of persuading American public opinion against Iran, building consensus in the international community, targeted an audience that could achieve the process of taking emergency measures beyond normalcy or taking action against Iran. The purpose of securitizing Iran was to show the country a threat to international peace and stability and the need for emergency action against it. The process also takes place through persuasion and consensus of the audience. This article uses the research method of content analysis and the theoretical framework of the Copenhagen School to analyze the types of audiences in the process of securing Iran by the United States after the Islamic Revolution


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