Political discourses and their role in the participation and republican people

Document Type : .


1 Preceptor of Political Science, majoring in Iran, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

2 Professor of International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch

3 Assistant Professor of International Relations, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch



Political discourses were then launched under the name of Hezbollah, Imami line, school, mission, then the so-called Left and Right Dialogues, in various forms of the political epistemic of the country, and in the course of this process, in the form of a purely Islamic discourse of Mohammadi and American Islam, fundamentally and reformally Craving with different slabs.With regard to their slogans and the people in the political geography of Iran, they played a role in this, and this contribution played a role in the political development and republican rule of the system. In this regard, the question is: How did these discourses affect the political and political participation of the people in Iran, and how to expand the partnership?The hypothesis of the paper is that the political system of the Islamic Republic, due to the application of different motivations of people in accordance with any geographical position of Islamic Iran, makes their positive participation in different aspects of the decision of the country, especially the elections. Therefore, by examining their various discourses and their intellectual foundations , How the Discourses Influenced In general, in the government and political participation of the people, the hypothesis has been shown to be true.


Main Subjects

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مرعشی18/3/1384 و-حسینی سیدعلی مقاله 1387
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همشهری ،جلوه های مشارکت سیاسی در جوامع توسعه یافته ،۱۸و۱۹/۱۳۷۸
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