Analysis of the role of the social structure of the West Asian region in the formation and expansion of the power axis of Islamic resistance

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1 Department of Education, Faculty of Humanities, Payame Noor University. Iran

2 Instructor of History Department, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Political Science, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

4 Master of Political Science,



In this article, based on the social structure presented by Vent in the constructivist approach, the analysis of the formation and expansion of the power axis of the Islamic resistance in the West Asian region has been analyzed. Based on this, the triple infrastructures of semantic, material and interests have been analyzed in relation to the West Asian region in order to understand the role of semantic and identity factors, the material environment and the type of interpretation of its actors and the structure of quadruple interests including ontological security, security Material, development and identification in the formation and expansion of the axis of Islamic resistance with emphasis on the leadership of c. AA evaluated. The author starts compiling this research with the premise that one or more material or semantic factors alone cannot be effective in the formation and expansion of the axis of Islamic resistance. The main question of this research is: From the perspective of structuralism, how did the social structure of the West Asian region play a role in the formation of the expansion of the power axis of the Islamic resistance? This article is written in an analytical-descriptive way.


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