The Intellectual Basics of Political Obligation in Imam Khomeyni's Political Thought

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1 Doctoral student of political science at Shahed University

2 Associate Professor of Political Science, Shahed University



Political obligation means predominant principles of reasons and philosophy of citizens' obedience to established government and political system and it's theorized and planned in different ways and according to different basics. This matter is of special importance in systems like Islamic Republic that has a combined and multidimensional feature including mixing religious dimension and modern customary dimension especially republic. One of the explanatory aspects of this theorem can be observed in opinions and alongside of it, in Islamic Republic founder' practical life. According to this, in this theorem, the basics of political obligation in Imam Khomeyni' thought and based on his practical life and revolutionary thought has been discussed and evaluated in that Imam Khomeyni ,in addition to having constant principles in his thought system, brought up transitions in basics of political obligation considering the needs of time and place. These transitions have been directed to make predominant components of political obligation combined and complicated, has presented changes in basics of politic obligation based on attention to the requirements of time and place.In this evolution، he has reached from emphasis on complying of constitutional law by the Pahlavi regime to establishment of basics of political obligation based on Principals of Islamic Jurisprudence.


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