Comparing the charismatic relationship of Shinasi Political University with the companionship of Merid Moradi in Irfan (Regarding Imam Khomeini's leadership during the Islamic coup)

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1 Doctoral student of Qom University of Religions and Religions Search for th

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Mysticism, Qom University of Religions and Religions, Qom, IranEmail

3 Faculty of Humanities Université Tarbiat ModarestFaculty of Humanities, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran



In the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini's relationship with the people is considered one of the most influential factors of victory. There are various theories in sociology related to revolutions, especially theories in which the element of the leader in revolutions is emphasized. One of these cases is the theory of charisma, which is similar in Islamic mysticism to the disciple-moradi relationship.Imam Khomeini, as the leader of the Iranian Revolution, has been unquestioningly followed by the people due to his mystical history, and in this article, the relationship between Imam Khomeini and his followers is to be investigated in terms of charisma and murid-moradi theory.The result obtained is that the Imam, as the leader of the revolution, had neither a mere charisma relationship nor a mere disciple-will relationship with the people; Rather, his type of relationship has been a combination of these two relationships with the people of Iran.


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