The impact of the Arabic language on the convergence of the Islamic world and the strengthening of religious identity based on constructivist theory

Document Type : .


1 IRIBU faculty

2 univercity faculty



Ethnic, racial, historical differences, various identities, diverse political structures, mistrust and the existence of some prejudices and deviations have challenged the common identity and cohesion of Islamic countries. At the same time, Islam emphasizes the brotherhood and unity of Islamic societies based on nature, religion and the common nature of humans with a transnational perspective and emphasis on Dar al-Islam. Among the elements that create identity and create convergence, the Arabic language can play a prominent role in creating unity, convergence and strengthening Islamic identity. This research, with a descriptive and analytical method and by using documentary and library sources, by examining the mentioned subject, wants to answer the main question of what effects the Arabic language has on identity and creating convergence in the Islamic world? Based on the findings of the research and based on the theory of constructivism, which considers social and human phenomena to be made by societies and humans, highlighting and paying attention to the Arabic language in the Islamic world in different dimensions, including convergence, identity building , preserving and strengthening the common religious culture has a fundamental effect and can help a lot by preserving and strengthening the common heritage of Islamic countries to better understand the Quranic and religious texts and transfer them to the future generations and expand the political, historical and economic relations of Muslims


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