The inspiring role of Iran's Islamic revolution in the emergence of the Ansarullah movement based on systemic analysis

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1 PhD student in international relations. Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor of International Relations, Hamedan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Hamedan, Iran



Iran's Islamic Revolution has played a significant role in finding Shiism as a geopolitical center in the world, raising the intellectual level and political vision of Shiites in the region. The ideology of this revolution and the presence of the leadership of Imam Khomeini led Shiites, including the Shiites of Yemen, to become fascinated by this revolution. In this article, in response to the main question, what role did the Islamic Revolution of Iran play in the formation and activities of the Yemeni Ansarullah movement? It was determined that the Iranian Islamic Revolution, through teachings such as anti-authoritarianism, anti-arrogance, popular participation, seeking independence and gaining identity, played an inspiring role in the emergence of the Ansarullah movement in Yemen and the role of providing cohesion and creating a popular resistance strategy in the fight against the authoritarian system and foreign intervention. Is. For this purpose, by using the conceptual literature of the system theory that shows the new aspect of this issue, and by using the descriptive-analytical method and library tools, the influence of the Ansarullah movement on the Iranian Islamic Revolution was analyzed. As a result of the impact of Ansarullah movement on concepts, identity, values and revolutionary and Islamic norms of Iran, it has played an important role in shaping the goals and behavior of this movement.


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