Investigating the Functioing of the Islamic Council in Iran,s Political System( with Emphasis on the Sixth and Seventh Periods)

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1 Ph.D. Student in Political Science , Faculty of Law, Theology and Political Science, Science and Research Branch , Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Political Science Department, Faculty of Psychology and Social Sciences, Roodehen Branch, Islamic Azad Uuniversity, Tehran, Iran.

3 Associate Professor, Department of Political Science, Central Tehran Branch ,Islamic Azad University



The functioning of the parliament in democratic governments on the one hand and the relationship between the executive and legislative powers in this system on the other hand plays a prominent role and it also raises the merit of responsiveness of the bureaucratic system to elected political representatives andparliamentarians. The main question of the article is that according to the status effectiveness of the islamic council in the sixth and seventh periods, which of the presidential and parliamentary models was iran,s political system close to? In this reseach work, three variables of legislative function, supervisory function, function of the parliament and relationship of the parliament with other political institutions have been studied and analyzed using archived information and qualitative research method. The result suggests that the role and influence of the islamic council as an independent authority has decreased and iran,s political system is close to the presidential system, which has been an increasing trend.


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