(feasibility and Considerations on pattern political philosophy at The paradigm Sadraee)

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the central argument of this paper, namely, the identity of a political philosophy supreme based on the Transcendent Theosophy In the first step, by Explaining the paradigm called the paradigm Sadraee, we can claim the basic pattern Based on the principles of ontological, epistemological, anthropological and ethical attitudes and values​​, a constellation of issues discussed in political philosophy from the fundamentals of inference, and his ijtihad. In the final section of the paper version of the noble Sadraee theory of political philosophy as "sacred politics"; Components and its sides, and then enumerated several considerations in Review, discuss and reflect on've made. Like the fact that if the Transcendent Theosophy, jurists and priest by the ruling government's legitimacy, not Vote Vote Sadra actual final emergency rule by theologians and philosophers, And Sadraee policy, as subordination theory, And the mission of transcendent divine policy is largely consistent with the pattern of return Therefore, tool finds the politics of identity, Finally, the sacred Policy Sadraee the way for democracy, does not provide.


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